Celebration of the Vernal Equinox
Frozen mini waterfalls along the many BC roads Adams Lake
The best photo subjects ever: the iconic rock formations east of Kamloops.
I deliberately left David in these shots
The North Thompson fringed with ice
Throughout the day, we stopped and read poems from David's grandfather's prolific collection of poetry
How often have I, in the sleepy night,
Stirred up, to put on paper, fourteen lines!
Hemming my wild thoughts in those tight confines.
And yet they lilt their joy with feet so light
I scarcely know the message I indite:
Only I know that, when the morning shines,
No halo round my lowly pillow twines,
And all the exaltation’s taken flight.
For Psyche speaks, and she the clearer speaks
The more we are unconscious of the clay
And out of self, in the forgotten hour:
Then truths we have absorbed through days, or weeks
Or years, unfold as in a crystal ray
Like from the bud the rose bursts into flower.
Gordon Stace Smith
Gordon Stace Smith