You learn a lot when you decide to grow a garden. Initially, you think that you are deciding what will happen in this little plot of the planet. That doesn't last long!! Knowingly or not, you have entered into a personal partnership with Nature, and Nature's contribution often surprises the rather stiff mind of man.
Undeniably a relationship to be explored, in many ways, on many levels, beyond the borders of gardens. But gardens provide an excellent microcosm in which to explore some basic principles!! Like wonder, humility, flexibility, and most usefully, intuition!! Then intelligence is shared with Nature.
Above is the result of purchasing a small packet of "Wild Flowers". I envisioned a small grouping of 6 inch tall, sweet innocent wild flowers. We already had large grasses in this part of our yard. But to my surprise the innocent wildflowers leapt up and formed a 4-5 foot high wall, shielding whatever view of our yard had remained visible from the road. Interesting idea on Nature's part, at the same time providing an attractive display for passers by to enjoy.
Below is a collage of some of the blooms woven into this living wall.
Pretty nice!
Consider this:
"Nature is massive, intelligent consciousness group that expresses and functions within the many areas of involution, that is, moving soul-oriented
consciousness into any dimension or level of form.
Nature is the conscious reality that supplies order, organization and life vitality for this shift. "
Machaelle Small Wright, Perelandra Garden Workbook II
I did consciously plant vegetables, and Nature generously partnered up. Here are some vegetables that I have gleefully breezed past in supermarket displays, knowing that I'm growing them at home. Growing one's own food and therefore not purchasing produce (grown in far off fields) never fails to satisfy, taste and pocketbook.
Missing in photos are kale, beans, green zucchini, chives, and herbs
Consider this:
"The Cosmos is not a mindless machine, as depicted in the human paradigm of the universe. It is sentient. It embodies Identity. It relates to love relationships. And we can begin to experience the vastness of that as we are willing to bring it to focus deliberately with those elements present with us in the design in which we currently find ourselves."
Alan Hammond, Our Divine and Cosmic Destiny
Below are some latecomers whom I dearly love, gracing the final floral performance of the season.
Below the camera follows the Glorious Growth (and hence migration to another more secured location)
of the magnificent, still-blooming Morning Glories!
Persistent Bloomers below, the final one (Bugbane) heralds the garden's approaching frosty sights. Now isn't that a lovely touch by Nature's imagination?
Changing Venues and Interests.
Here's another chapter to share. These are the harvest of a longtime planting, which I'll let an old time friend introduce:
Bill Bahan
Ten days ago my wife, Linda, and I flew from Atlanta to spend three days with five of our friends in the Rocky Mountains near Colorado Springs. This gathering included John and Pamela Gray from Southern California, Suzanne Core from Colorado, and David Barnes and Anne Blaney from British Columbia. The theme of our gathering was, “All Things New.” We rented a lovely mountain home tucked into the side of Pikes Peak at an elevation of about 7,700 feet. From the living room and large back deck there was a marvelous panoramic view of mountain peaks. It was a glorious setting.
Our gathering was a time of sacred communion. We each read transcripts of services and classes by our spiritual mentors, Lloyd Meeker (Uranda) and Martin Cecil to each other. We listened to audio tapes and viewed some videos. David Barnes did a wonderful job of selecting the materials we considered. The words we shared from these two men are as meaningful today as when first spoken.
During, or after, each presentation we took some time to share our thoughts and expand upon various themes. Our purpose for being together on earth at this time became vivid in my awareness. We are here to bring a new heaven, a sacred state that has not been known by mankind on any large scale for many thousands of years. One of the evidences of the new heaven is the experience of true friendship that we share.
Above left to right:
Linda Bahan, Suzanne Core, David Barnes, Pamela and John Gray, and me on the floor.
Bill took the photo.
Below are friends intently watching a video, Linda Bahan, Bill pictured in the middle, and David.
Below, one of the settings. We also gathered on the deck, and downstairs in the den.
Suzanne is watching with great interest.
The View from our bedroom in Colorado
The last evening we were gifted with a rainbow. (...Just saying!!)
As I came tearing out of our bedroom to tell Bill and Linda next door about this, Pamela also came running from the Grays' bedroom. "Is it a bear, is it a bear?" Pamela exclaimed! Pamela and I had noticed the considerable amount of evidence of bear visits beside the house, and we had been hoping to catch sight of one. We were also hoping that we would not catch sight of one!! Alas, it was only a rainbow..!! We all broke into laughter at Pamela's enthusiasm for seeing a bear up close and personal!!
The After Glow
After delivering most participants to DIA, our gathering, David and I lingered in the home of Suzanne Core, and toured the area surrounding her property. Below are some photos around Turkey Hill and Creek, with the likeness of the feather spread of a male turkey etched by Nature, on the rock face below.
Valley of the Gods (and Godesses)
After our sessions, Suzanne took David and me to The Valley of the Gods, near Manitou Springs. Here's some background information on this public park.
"The outstanding geologic features of the park are the ancient sedimentary beds of deep-red, pink and white sandstones, conglomerates and limestone that were deposited horizontally, but have now been tilted vertically and faulted into "fins" by the immense mountain building forces caused by the uplift of the Rocky Mountains and the Pikes Peak massif. The following Pleistocene Ice Age resulted in erosion and glaciation of the rock, creating the present rock formations. Evidence of past ages can be read in the rocks: ancient seas, eroded remains of ancestral mountain ranges, alluvial fans, sandy beaches and great sand dune fields."
This late morning walk around this ancient gathering of stone and Juniper was so joyful and special. I was in my element!! You know I love rock!! Suzanne waited in the parking area and noted all the licence plates from far away places.
Suzanne made one more last drive to DIA (a 4 hour round trip!!) for our flights back to BC. Reluctantly I left Colorado, a state I have felt is a second home. I miss the sound of the wind in the pines surrounding Suzanne's home, and the warm welcome Suzanne offered us. And we very much appreciate the focused and deep communion our grouping shared with those dear mountain guardians surrounding us.